Watch this space

Watch this space

University of Sydney scientists are on the front line of a new space age. Their leading edge investigations include assisting with NASA’s search for alien life in the far reaches of the solar system; work on a revolutionary type of rocket thruster – theoretically able to move a spacecraft from Earth’s inner orbit to Mars’s …read more

Australia’s unique wildlife among victims of ‘angry summer’

Australia's unique wildlife among victims of 'angry summer'

Record-breaking summer heat waves in recent months have left Australians sweating and uncomfortable and killed thousands of animals, graphically illustrating the climate change dangers faced by the world’s driest inhabited continent.

Pocket Rocket

Pocket Rocket

At first glance it looks like something a clever kid might build with a toy engineering kit – a shoebox-sized metallic box sitting on stubby legs. But in reality, this box is a tiny Adelaide-built satellite, painstakingly constructed with technical precision and scientific expertise.

With nationalist agenda, ‘Australia’s Trump’ advances ahead of poll

With nationalist agenda, 'Australia's Trump' advances ahead of poll

The resurgence of the ultra-nationalist and anti-immigration “Pauline Hanson’s One Nation” party in Australia has been reinforced by a national opinion survey showing that the party has doubled its support to 10% of the Australian electorate since November.

Nano-satellites thrust Australia back into space

Nano-satellites thrust Australia back into space

A swarm of shoe-box sized satellites is scheduled to begin the first stage of a historic journey into space on March 19, when the Atlas V rocket blasts off from Cape Canaveral with the tiny satellites on board, along with NASA equipment and supplies destined for the International Space Station.

Australia falls afoul of Trump’s Twitter diplomacy

Australia falls afoul of Trump’s Twitter diplomacy

It took just one tweet from U.S. President Donald Trump to turn traditional diplomacy on its ear and undermine relations with a fellow conservative, the Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. Traditional allies, Australia and the U.S. have forged an enduring partnership in recent decades and Canberra relies on a close relationship with Washington.

National holiday marketing row polarises Australians

National holiday marketing row polarises Australians

A television advertisement for lamb that takes a comic swipe at the British colonisation of Australia has incensed conservative politicians, polarised many ordinary citizens, and spurred indigenous Australians to riposte with a satirical spoof “advertisement” of their own. The controversy has highlighted Australia’s struggle with its racially-tainted past.

Australian state forges Asia’s path on euthanasia law

Australian state forges Asia's path on euthanasia law

Public support is growing in Australia for a bill intended to legalise assisted suicide in the south-eastern state of Victoria, with a majority of members of the state’s parliament saying they planned to vote in favour of the controversial proposal.

Amid demonetisation jitters, India’s traders shun A$100

Amid demonetisation jitters, India's traders shun A$100

The possibility that a taskforce on Australia’s informal economy will recommend the withdrawal of the 100 Australian dollar bill is having unforeseen consequences for Australian travellers in India, where the notes are being refused by merchants and money changers.

Don’t Let the Bugs Bite

Don't Let the Bugs Bite

A mosquito bit Emma Shaw on her shoulder in the middle of March this year. From that moment her life plunged into months of misery and pain. Her kids had to miss school for weeks on end because she couldn’t drive them into town. Once supremely fit and a regular 100-lap swimmer, suddenly Emma couldn’t …read more