Cuie Wen of RMIT moved from aeronautics to biomedical technology

Cuie Wen of RMIT moved from aeronautics to biomedical technologyCuie Wen of RMIT moved from aeronautics to biomedical technology

A much-awarded bio-materials scientist and a leader in the field of bio-medical technology, Cuie Wen began her academic career at the institution then called the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, but she long ago shifted her gaze from aeroplanes to the human body. Now a professor of bio-materials engineering at RMIT, she says that as …read more

UNSW’s Evatt Hawkes is using new technology to decarbonise our world

UNSW’s Evatt Hawkes is using new technology to decarbonise our worldUNSW’s Evatt Hawkes is using new technology to decarbonise our world

Evatt Hawkes has turned his childhood pyromania to good account – investigating fire and combustion at an elevated level of science. Now a professor of mechanical engineering at the University of NSW, he uses computational modelling to further the global understanding of combustion in renewable energy technology.

Sydney Uni’s Edward Holmes made the critical move as Covid hit

Sydney Uni’s Edward Holmes made the critical move as Covid hitSydney Uni’s Edward Holmes made the critical move as Covid hit

With the world’s first public post of the Covid-19 genome sequence in January 2020, Eddie Holmes launched a global avalanche of scientific endeavour and cooperation as nations everywhere rushed to come to grips with a pandemic that has so far killed at least 6.5 million people. The Sydney University biologist had been working on a project …read more

ECU’s Luke Hopper learns how to reduce injuries suffered by dancers

ECU’s Luke Hopper learns how to reduce injuries suffered by dancersECU’s Luke Hopper learns how to reduce injuries suffered by dancers

Luke Hopper uses sophisticated motion capture technology to better understand the biomechanics of dance and to tailor advice to dancers in order to help them limit their injuries. Originally developed for clinically analysing the way US children with cerebral palsy walk, and later perfected for use in films such as Titanic and Lord of the Rings, …read more

Chris Turney probes past times to cast light on the present

Chris Turney probes past times to cast light on the presentChris Turney probes past times to cast light on the present

Christian Turney is fascinated by the fertile interactions of disciplines and sectors in the overlapping fringes of academic fields and specialties where ideas are born. An earth scientist by training and a leader in the field of archeology, Turney has turned his hand to wildly different projects: from carbon dating the fossil ‘hobbits’ of Indonesia’s Flores, …read more

Malls set to recapture their time in the sun

Malls set to recapture their time in the sunMalls set to recapture their time in the sun

As the Covid pandemic recedes around the world and restrictions and lockdowns ease, the years-long surge of ecommerce has ebbed and with it the inflated hopes of some online retailers. Australian consumers are getting back to the high-street shops for a wide range of reasons: to see and meet and talk to people; as a window-shopping …read more

Monash medical dispensing wins teaching and learning excellence award

Monash medical dispensing wins teaching and learning excellence awardMonash medical dispensing wins teaching and learning excellence award

Monash University – MyDispense. A philanthropic web application that provides pharmacy students with virtual experience in the dispensary, MyDispense has been adopted by more than 200 universities and colleges worldwide, from the US to Malaysia to Zambia. Developed by Monash University, the award-winning MyDispense simulation includes an inventory of more than 1000 drugs along with virtual health professionals …read more

AgriProve’s innovation helps farmers earn carbon credits

AgriProve’s innovation helps farmers earn carbon creditsAgriProve’s innovation helps farmers earn carbon credits

AgriProve is on the frontier of climate solution projects, providing farmers and landholders with a way to earn carbon credits from their land by sequestering soil carbon under pasture, crops, horticultural and mixing farming systems. Soil Carbon Sequestration at Scale works by taking baseline soil carbon measurements from soil cores up to a metre deep. Subsequent …read more

‘Fifth domain of war’ becomes more frequent

‘Fifth domain of war’ becomes more frequent‘Fifth domain of war’ becomes more frequent

Ukraine has been battered by Russian cyber-attacks since Russia’s illegal annexation of the Ukrainian territory of Crimea in 2014, with the barrage surging in the weeks before Russia invaded Ukraine in February and continuing in the months since. Including data theft, disinformation, deep fake technology, distributed denial-of-service attacks, phishing, and data-wiper malware, the wide-ranging attacks targeted …read more

Social media is alive with criminal activity

Social media is alive with criminal activitySocial media is alive with criminal activity

Social media can be an effective way of staying on top of trends, staying in touch with friends and family and staying abreast of professional developments: yet there are any number of criminals lurking on the various platforms, ready to snap up the unwary. Users’ data is constantly sought and monetised and social media has …read more